In June Tavi Draugi will launch the project “YOU CAN DO IT!”

In June, the charity association Tavi Draugi, with the support of the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre, will launch the project “YOU CAN DO IT!” to continue supporting the integration of Ukrainian civilians. Until the end of 2024, various activities will be organised under the project: Latvian language conversation club, lectures-seminars, creative workshops, and improvisation club, with the aim to help Ukrainian civilians living in Riga to integrate into Latvian society and the labour market.
Every Tuesday in June at 18.15 “YOU CAN DO IT!” Latvian language conversation club evenings will be held for participants with A1 or minimal Latvian language skills, while on Wednesdays at the same time, there will be conversation club meetings for participants with A2 level skills.
To help the Ukrainians integrate in the Latvian labour market, on Monday, 17 June at 17.00, lawyer Elīna Sviridova will give a lecture on labour law and drafting a CV. In the coming months, the project will also include lectures on tenancy rights, starting a business, advertising on social networks and media literacy.
Meanwhile, on two Saturdays, 8 and 15 June at 13.00, creative workshops will be held where the visitors will have an opportunity to make thematic bead brooches and bracelets.
In the coming months, the classes will continue according to a similar schedule, with the improvisation club and other creative activities supplementing them. “YOU CAN DO IT!” activities will take place at the Tavi Draugi cultural and educational centre “Творчі зустрічі” (“Creative Meetings” in Ukrainian), at Ventspils iela 50, Riga; Latvians are also welcome to participate in part of them, thus promoting social inclusion and interaction of Ukrainians with the host community.
“In parallel with providing practical and material assistance to Ukrainian civilians in Latvia, we would like to give them an opportunity to make the most of their time here by learning new skills and competences. For example, the idea of a Latvian language conversation club was initiated by Ukrainians, volunteers of our association. They are diligently studying Latvian language at courses and are seeking opportunities to apply their knowledge in a free atmosphere. We are grateful to the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre for their support that enables us to continue to help Ukrainians integrate into Latvian society and build their careers in our labour market,” says Renāte Grundštoka, representative of the association Tavi Draugi and the Head of the project “YOU CAN DO IT!”.
All events are free of charge, subject to prior registration. Further information about the project activities and application will also be available on the social media accounts or
The project is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.