Ukrainians and Latvians actively participate in the integration project “YOU CAN DO IT!”

The charity organization "Tavi draugi," with the support of the Riga Neighborhood Residents' Center, continues the activities of the project “YOU WILL SUCCEED!” in November and December. These activities aim to support the integration of Ukrainian civilians living in Riga…

The “TEV IZDOSIES!” Project for Ukrainian Integration Continues Until the End of the Year

The charity organization Tavi draugi, with support from the Riga Neighborhood Residents' Center, will continue the activities of the TEV IZDOSIES! project throughout November and December. The project aims to help Ukrainian residents in Riga integrate into Latvian society and…

The association “Tavi draugi” invites you to the charity event “Christmas in the Hangar”

The association "Tavi draugi" invites everyone to visit the charity event "Christmas in the Hangar," which will take place on Sunday, December 15, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Ventspils Street 50, K-3, Riga. Entrance to "Christmas in the…

“Tavi draugi” and “Latvijas Pasts” invite everyone to give meaning to Black Friday

The organization "Tavi draugi" and VAS "Latvijas Pasts" invite people on Black Friday to give their purchases value by joining the charity campaign "Christmas Express Latvia – Ukraine."

Akcijā “Ziemassvētku ekspresis Latvija – Ukraina” aicina sarūpēt dāvanas ukraiņu bērniem

Biedrība "Tavi draugi" jau trešo gadu uzsāk labdarības akciju "Ziemassvētku ekspresis Latvija – Ukraina", aicinot Latvijas iedzīvotājus līdz decembra nogalei kļūt par rūķiem un sagādāt Ziemassvētku dāvanas bērniem Ukrainā. Šogad ir saņemtas 236 vēstules Ziemassvētku vecītim no bērniem Hmeļnickas krīzes…

Bank details

Reg. nr.: 50008218771
Legal address: Spares street 18/1, Riga, LV-1002
Bank: AS Swedbank
Account nr.: LV21HABA0551046111790
The association TAVI DRAUGI has been granted the status of a public benefit organisation.