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Invitation to a Remembrance and Support Action “Path of Light for Ukraine” on 24 February

On Saturday, 24 February, a Remembrance and Support Action “Path of Light for Ukraine” will be held in Riga. During it, Latvian people are invited to take part in a symbolic light procession to commemorate the victims of war and to show support for Ukraine in its fight for freedom. The action will start at 18.00 in the Dome Square and will end with a march to the Freedom Monument.

The initiators of the “Path of Light for Ukraine” are the association Tavi Draugi together with other like-minded people, and everyone in Latvia who is together with Ukraine in words, deeds and heart is invited to take part in it.

Ulvis Noviks, head of the association Tavi Draugi: “24 February is a day that changed lives forever and required unimaginable sacrifices. On the day that marks two years since the full-scale war started in Ukraine, we invite the people of Latvia to create a symbolic path of light to commemorate the victims of war and show our unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight for freedom. We are confident that light will overcome darkness, and we will stand with Ukraine until victory.”

The Path of Light for Ukraine:

  • 17.30 – gathering at the Dome Square,
  • 18.00 – opening of the “Path of Light for Ukraine” together with representatives of the association Tavi Draugi, the Home Guard Staff Officer, Major Jānis Slaidiņš, and students, the organisers of the campaign “Schools for Victory”,
  • 18.05 – march from the Dome Square to the Freedom Monument,
  • 18.30 – closing ceremony at the Freedom Monument.

During the Path of Light, people are invited to use their own light sources: smartphone flashlights, pocket torches, candles etc. On 24 February, the association Tavi Draugi also encourages people in Latvia to light up their home windows in memory of the war victims.

Everyone in Latvia is also invited to take part in the rally “Together until victory!”, organised by non-governmental organisations on 24 February; it will take place at the Freedom Monument in Riga from 12.30 p.m.  There will also be a Tavi Draugi trench candle workshop, donation point and Ukrainian and Latvian souvenir shop. Further information about the event is available here.

About Tavi Draugi

The association Tavi Draugi provides coordinated humanitarian aid to Ukrainian civilians in Latvia and Ukraine by organising and coordinating the voluntary involvement of Latvian people, organisations and businesses in providing help. Up to the day when the full-scale war in Ukraine started, the association provided help and support to families in need and those facing problems right here, in Latvia. However, from the first day of the war, the focus was changed rapidly to providing help to Ukraine. Among other things, help was also ensured to Ukrainian war refugees at Latvian – russian border crossing points. More detailed information about the association, as well as donation and support possibilities is available here.

Further information:

Agnese Ruberte

representative of the association Tavi Draugi

Mob. 29337759,  e-mail: [email protected]