Quick response team

Support for those affected by the storm on 07.08.2023. in Dobele and Jaunpils, Latvia

In response to the storm damage in Latvia, the charity organization “Tavi draugi” initiated a financial donation drive to address the aftermath of the storm, calling on residents and businesses to aid those affected by the disaster. The organization helped more than 100 households, assisting with the installation of temporary roofs as well as providing long-term solutions, such as the installation of permanent roofs.

Completed tasks: removal of damaged roofing, installation of temporary roofing, installation of permanent, long-term roofs, and inspection of the surrounding area. Helped more than 100 households.


Support for the search of Sergo Tvauri in the Baltic Sea 14.07.2024.

It was reported that Jevgēņijs Kints and Sergejs Tvauri set out from Roja (Latvia) to Ruhnu Island (Estonia) on jet skis on July 13th around 10:00 AM and went missing at sea around 1:40 PM.

Completed tasks: On the first day, “Tavi draugi” organized transport to Ruhnu Island to search for the two men. When Jevgēņijs was found, he was brought back to Latvia using the same transport.

“Tavi draugi” also arranged transport for thermal drone pilots to the island (four drone pilots in total). Although the operation could have commenced on the first night if the organization had its own drones, the drones were successfully acquired and dispatched on the second night.

The organization “Tavi draugi” assisted in the search for Tvauri, requesting help on social media from people who could search on land, either on foot or using light transportation (bicycle, quad bike, etc.).

At the request of Sergo’s parents, a separate donation account was opened to cover the search costs, including the engagement of a private helicopter, which cost 1200 EUR per hour.

Organizācija “Tavi draugi” palīdzēja meklēt Tvauri, aicinot cilvēkus sociālajos tīklos palīdzēt meklēšanā uz sauszemes, gan kājām, gan ar vieglo transportu (velosipēdu, kvadraciklu u.c.).

Pēc Sergo vecāku lūguma tika atvērts atsevišķs ziedojumu konts, lai segtu meklēšanas izmaksas, tostarp privātā helikoptera piesaisti, kura izmaksas bija 1200 EUR stundā.

Sociālo mediju ieraksts un meklēšanas komanda:

Support for those affected by the storm on 19.07.2024 in Jurmala, Latvia.

In response to the storm damage in Latvia, the organization “Tavi draugi” established a hotline for reporting hazardous fallen trees that posed a risk to public safety, as well as other storm-related issues.

“Tavi draugi” also cooperated closely with the Latvian State Fire and Rescue Service, ensuring coordinated efforts. The Service provided a list of addresses, which the team from “Tavi draugi” inspected and verified. For locations where they could manage independently, they handled the situation themselves. In areas beyond their capabilities, specialists from the State Fire and Rescue Service were engaged.

Completed tasks: removal of dangerous fallen trees in Kauguri and Melluzi (Jurmala). Helped around 20 households.