Our first month together! To celebrate, in the creative workshops, we made paper sunflowers and animals, flowers and greetings for moms, as well as yarn baskets and beautiful drawings. We also dedicated a lot of time to recognizing and understanding our emotions.

This month, the main focus was on family and emotions — what my family is, what it means to me, and how I feel in it. Of course, we also moved our fingers a lot, creating various thermo-mosaics and making clay figures and drawings.

The sun and the sea don’t stop us from meeting and playing creatively! This month, we accomplished a lot together:
- We crocheted;
- We made hairstyles and little birds from yarn;
- We cut and glued paper animals and birds;
- We drew landscapes;
- We let flowers made from colorful wires bloom;
- We conducted and observed various experiments.
In the heat of summer, we found time to accomplish the following together:
- We twisted little birds from yarn;
- We made appliqués and clothes for dolls from clay;
- We bent animals from colorful wires;
- We created bracelets and rings;
- We made paper and foam cartoon characters and friends;
- And we simply had fun spending time together.
In the last month of summer, we managed to:
- Turn colored paper into robots, cats, flowers, ice cream, and more;
- Make bracelets;
- Create puppet characters from cartoons;
- Weave and craft traditional Ukrainian motanka dolls;
- Create our own aquariums;
- Engage in exciting experiments.
September flew by on the wings of the wind, as we worked together diligently to:
- dress the trees in autumn hues;
- create beautiful paper outfits for fairy tale fairies;
- make animals and dolls from yarn and other materials;
- assemble thermo-mosaics;
- create bracelets and brooches;
- and do many other creative and joyful things.
Surrounded by golden and fiery leaves, this month we were especially creative:
- made our own waffle cakes;
- created mandalas from yarn;
- started learning various crochet techniques and making toys;
- painted landscapes and fruits with watercolors;
- exercised our fingers with playdough;
- decorated our classroom in Halloween style and had great fun with themed activities!
How we love to draw and crochet! In November, we managed to:
– crochet a toy for ourselves;
– draw with various colors, creating both vibrant flowers and mysterious outer space;
– make yarn dolls and keychains;
– fold colorful paper figures;
– exercise our fingers with plasticine;
– bead bracelets;
– create greeting cards for friends and family.

December is the exciting time of waiting for snow and Christmas! This month we:
– continued crocheting toys both for ourselves and as gifts for our family members;
– drew and glued beautiful greeting cards and landscapes;
– made everyone’s favorite thermal mosaics;
– created holiday decorations.