Support for ensuring operation of Engure Volunteer Fire Fighters Association (BUB)


Reg. no.: 50008218771
Address: Spāres iela 18 k-1, Rīga, LV-1002
Bank: AS Swedbank
Account: LV21HABA0551046111790
Purpose of payment:

Support for ensuring operation of Engure Volunteer Fire Fighters Association (BUB)

The association “TAVI DRAUGI” has been granted the status of a public benefit organization.


2376 EUR

We are grateful for your support extended so far. Thanks to you and other donors, Engure BUB has bought a fire engine; however, to ensure its functioning on a daily basis, different additional costs have to be covered, therefore we kindly ask you to continue supporting our association in the future. 

Since ancient times people have created or gathered in communities. Together you can accomplish more, it is safer together – it has been an issue of survival, as simple as that. Today we can watch the unity of Ukrainian people with a small but positive degree of envy. They have been united by a common disaster, they are addressing/fighting it together, and almost all the world has joined in to help resolve this issue. And we can be sure – together they will do it! 

The association Tavi Draugi originated in Engure to help those in need, and Engure has helped the association. Now the size of Tavi Draugi has grown, Engure sometimes can help them a bit, but the balance of strength has changed. 

And now a small association of crazy “young people” called Engure Volunteer Fire Fighter Association has asked for support from Tavi Draugi.  

Should you be interested in their aims and activities, please see: or contact [email protected] 

Project coordinator:
Ulvis Noviks
[email protected]
