Help to Aleksandrova Primary School

Help to Aleksandrova Primary School
Amount donated: 13886.50EUR

We would like to help Aleksandrova Primary School in Krāslava region. This school came to our attention by chance. Aleksandrova Primary School is a boarding school for children with mental disabilities (levels A, B and C). The schoolteachers take care of the children from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon.

The school is not rich in facilities, but the staff does not complain about that, trying to manage everything on their own.  The heart and drive are in the right place there, but sometimes you still need the help and support of your peers. At the moment, the school badly needs a new greenhouse, as the old, worn-out one, where tomatoes and cucumbers were grown for consumption, collapsed last summer.

Our aim is to help buy and install a good quality greenhouse. Spring is coming and so is the gardening and planting time: we would love the teachers together with the children to be able to plant vegetables again, harvest them and enjoy the healthy produce they grow themselves, as this is also a great contribution to the children’s diet.

We have repeatedly seen that together we are POWER!  We believe that this time we will soon be able to go to the Aleksandrova Primary School with a greenhouse in the trailer and together with volunteers we will set up a place for children and their teachers to work and grow real farm produce.

Banking details 

Name: Tavi Draugi
Registration No: 50008218771
Legal address: Spāres iela 18 k-1, Rīga, LV-1002
Bank account: LV21HABA0551046111790
Bank: Swedbank AS
Purpose of payment: Help to Aleksandrova Primary School

Thanks to the support of donors, in the spring of 2024 we raised €1050, which helped us purchase a 3×8 m greenhouse, costing €548. The delivery to Aleksandrovas Primary School was €120. The remaining amount of €382 was redirected to the restoration of the second greenhouse.

Our next goal is to help the school get a wonderful children’s playground, where the children can spend their free time in a quality way. However, from time to time, new needs arose at the school, and we realized that we needed to take this school under our wing and try to support it as much as possible.

In the summer of 2024, we received a request to help acquire:

  • A clothes dryer (the previous one is no longer repairable);
  • Shoe dryers (the children go outside regardless of the weather, and sometimes they return with wet shoes. And they don’t always dry in time for the next day!);
  • Two portable computers;
  • Two projectors;
  • And of course, our main goal and dream — a beautiful, interesting, and special playground for children with special needs.

So far, we have already purchased:

  • A clothes dryer: €653.47;
  • 9 shoe dryers: €775.04;
  • 2 portable computers: €1059.98;
  • 2 projectors: €970.00.

The largest purchase left is the children’s playground.

Personas, kas ziedojušas šim projektam: