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Latvian and Ukrainian Children Create an Animated Film in the “Your Story is My Story” Project

The charity organization “Tavi draugi” has concluded a series of creative and developmental activities called Your Story is My Story…

“Circle K” Donates EUR 120,000 in the Baltics to Support Ukraine

The fuel retail network “Circle K”, with the support of its customers, has raised a EUR 120 000 donation for…

Creative lesson series “Your story is my story” for Latvian and Ukrainian children

The charity organization “Tavi draugi” will organize a series of creative and developmental activities for Latvian and Ukrainian children aged…

As the Third Anniversary of the War in Ukraine Approaches, “Circle K” Organizes a Charity Campaign

Before the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Circle K, in collaboration with the charity organization Your Friends (Tavi…

On February 24, a commemorative and support event “Path of Light for Ukraine” will take place

On Monday, February 24, starting at 5:30 PM in Riga, a commemorative and support event called “Path of Light for…

The project for building renovation in the Chernihiv region announces two procurement tenders for the selection of construction companies

To support Ukraine in mitigating the consequences of the Russian invasion, within the framework of the project “Renovation of Novobykovska…

Continuing the Building Renovation Project in the Chernihiv Region in 2025

To support Ukraine in mitigating the consequences of Russia’s invasion, the organization Tavi Draugi continues implementing the project “Renovation of…

Camouflage net artwork exhibition “GADS” (year) on display at Riga Airport

Continuing its unwavering support for Ukraine in its fight for freedom, RIX Riga Airport has opened a unique and emotionally…

The “Baltic Schools for Victory” Campaign Launched in Support of the Ukrainian Army

Students from Āgenskalns State Gymnasium have launched the “Schools for Victory” campaign for the third time, calling for donations to…

Ukrainians and Latvians actively participate in the integration project “YOU CAN DO IT!”

The charity organization "Tavi draugi," with the support of the Riga Neighborhood Residents' Center, continues the activities of the project…

The “TEV IZDOSIES!” Project for Ukrainian Integration Continues Until the End of the Year

The charity organization Tavi draugi, with support from the Riga Neighborhood Residents' Center, will continue the activities of the TEV…

The association “Tavi draugi” invites you to the charity event “Christmas in the Hangar”

The association "Tavi draugi" invites everyone to visit the charity event "Christmas in the Hangar," which will take place on…

“Tavi draugi” and “Latvijas Pasts” invite everyone to give meaning to Black Friday

The organization "Tavi draugi" and VAS "Latvijas Pasts" invite people on Black Friday to give their purchases value by joining…

Akcijā “Ziemassvētku ekspresis Latvija – Ukraina” aicina sarūpēt dāvanas ukraiņu bērniem

Biedrība "Tavi draugi" jau trešo gadu uzsāk labdarības akciju "Ziemassvētku ekspresis Latvija – Ukraina", aicinot Latvijas iedzīvotājus līdz decembra nogalei…

The choir of the charity organization “Tavi draugi” invites you to a charity concert in December

The mixed Latvian-Ukrainian choir of the charity "Tavi draugi," together with their friends, invites you to a charity concert on…

Knitted items that also warm hearts: Your Friends and Latvijas Pasts invite you to donate for the support of Ukrainian soldiers

From November 5th to February 1st next year, the association Tavi draugi and Latvijas Pasts are organizing the fifth charity…

When two nations want to explore each other’s culture, the mixed Latvian-Ukrainian choir of the “Tavi draugi” association is born!

When two nations want to explore each other's culture, feel the energy and power born from a shared song, and…

Residents of Latvia are invited to weave camouflage nets for the Ukrainian army

The charity organization "Tavi draugi" (Your Friends) together with like-minded people invites Latvian residents to participate in camouflage net weaving…

Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) collected more than 32,750 euro in support of Ukraine in July and August

In July and August this year, residents of Latvia donated more than 32,750 euro to support Ukraine through RVMs. The…

On Ukraine’s Independence Day, a support march called “The Sunflower Path” will take place

The charity organization Tavi Draugi, together with the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia, is once again organizing the now-traditional "Sunflower…

At the end of August, a concert “Angāra saulrieti” will take place in support of schoolchildren in Latvia and Ukraine

The organization Tavi Draugi invites you to the final charity concert of this summer, "Angāra saulrieti," on Wednesday, August 28,…

Assistance with the aftermath of the storm on July 29

If you need assistance with the aftermath of the storm on July 29, please fill out the form:

Astro’n’out to Perform at Charity Concert by Tavi Draugi at the End of July

Continuing the tradition started last year, the charity organization Tavi Draugi is once again inviting everyone to two charity concerts…

Tiekamies sarunu festivālā LAMPA!

Ar prieku ziņojam, ka "Tavi draugi" arī šogad piedalīsies sarunu festivālā LAMPA ar divu dienu pasākumu programmu 5. un 6.…

From July, you can donate for humanitarian aid shipments to Ukraine at Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs)

From 1 July to 31 December this year, funds donated to Ukraine by Latvian people at RVMs will be directed…

Companies are invited to participate in a donation collection campaign, organised by Tavi Draugi

The association TAVI DRAUGI is launching a donation collection campaign and would like to invite your company to take part…

In June Tavi Draugi will launch the project “YOU CAN DO IT!”

In June, the charity association Tavi Draugi, with the support of the Riga City Neighbourhood Residents Centre, will launch the…


Atgādinām, ka pie noliktavas ieejas Ventspils ielā 50 atrodas arī @ecobaltiavide sarkanais tekstila konteiners, kurā vari atstāt ziedojumus, kuri nav…

Biedrības “Tavi draugi” angārā top maskēšanās tīkli Ukrainas bruņotajiem spēkiem!

Pateicoties domubiedru un zelta brīvprātīgo entuziasmam un mūsu cituviet Rīgā un arī Latvijas reģionos tīklus sienošo draugu vērtīgajiem padomiem, arī…

Within the Tavi Draugi project, Ukrainians actively socialise and acquire the knowledge necessary in the Latvian labour market

Around 400 people, most of them Ukrainians living in Riga, took part in the "Know More, Accomplish More" project organised…

The Tavi Draugi charity shop is open and waiting for you at 32 Gertrūdes Street!

The shop is serving as a platform for converting in-kind donations into financial donations to support various charity projects for…

Latvijas skolēni savāc vairāk nekā 10 500 kilogramu ziedojumu Ukrainas armijai

Pēc Āgenskalna Valsts ģimnāzijas skolēnu iniciatīvas mēneša laikā vairāk nekā 100 Latvijas skolu kopīgiem spēkiem akcijā "Skolas par uzvaru" savākušas…


Aicinām apmeklēt Artdocfest, kas norisinās no 1. līdz 8. martam! Sadarbībā ar Artdocfest mūsu ziedojumu kastītes tiks novietotas festivāla norises…

Invitation to a Remembrance and Support Action “Path of Light for Ukraine” on 24 February

On Saturday, 24 February, a Remembrance and Support Action "Path of Light for Ukraine" will be held in Riga. During…

Ļoti lūdzam mēbeles pie mums uz Ventspils ielu nevest!

Ļoti lūdzam mēbeles pie mums uz Ventspils ielu nevest! Ja vēlies ziedot mēbeles, sūti mums foto un mēbeļu parametrus, atrašanās…

“Tavi draugi” februārī aicina uz saliedēšanās pasākumiem ukraiņiem un Latvijas iedzīvotājiem

Biedrība "Tavi draugi" februārī projekta "Zini vairāk, vari vairāk" ietvaros aicina Rīgā mītošos dažādu paaudžu ukraiņus un citu tautību Latvijas…

Tavi draugi kopā ar Latvijas Pastu pagarina labdarības akciju Adījumi Ukrainas atbalstam līdz 29. februārim

Atsaucoties Ukrainas aizstāvju lūgumam, biedrība Tavi draugi sadarbībā ar Latvijas Pastu un biedrību Mēs Iecavai pagarina labdarības akcijuAdījumi Ukrainas atbalstam…

How high heel shoes can help Ukrainian soldiers: call for donations for a charity shop

The association Tavi Draugi invites people in Latvia to donate clothes, footwear, interior objects, books and other items in good…

Informācija par viesistabas “Творчі зустрічі” turpmāko darbu

“Творчі зустрічі” komanda devusies brīvdienās līdz 7. janvārim. No 8. janvāra visas plānotās aktivitātes notiks Ventspils ielā 50 - biedrības…

Informējam par darba laika izmaiņām!

DRAUGI, INFORMĒJAM PAR DARBA LAIKA IZMAIŅĀM SVĒTKOS! Atgādinām, ka pie noliktavas ieejas Ventspils ielā 50 atrodas arī Eco Baltia VIDE…

Palīdzi piepildīt autobusus, kas dosies pie Ukrainas bērniem!

Divi autobusi dosies uz Ukrainu pie bērniem bērnu namos un bērniem, kas kļuvuši bāreņi kara dēļ.

Ziemassvētku dāvanas latviešu ģimenēm

Latviešu ģimeņu apciemojums pirms Ziemassvētkiem ir ikgadējā biedrības “Tavi draugi” tradīcija. Šogad dosimies pie 20 ģimenēm un senioriem Tukuma, Talsu,…

Ziemassvētku Ekspresis

Labdarības akcijā “Ziemassvētku ekspresis: Latvija – Ukraina” aicina sarūpēt Ziemassvētku dāvanas bērniem Ukrainas bērnu namos.

Tavi Draugi invites Ukrainians and Latvians to integration events in December

Proceeding with the project "Know more, accomplish more", launched in autumn, the association Tavi Draugi will hold creative workshops, a…

Tuvojas “Tavi draugi” labdarības veikala atvēršana!

Sāksim 2024. gadu ar jauniem labiem darbiem jeb kā augstpapēžu kurpes var palīdzēt ukraiņu karavīriem!

Informējam par darba laika izmaiņām!

14. novembrī noliktava strādās no plkst. 10:00 līdz 16:00, savukārt no 15. līdz 20. novembrim būsim slēgti, jo gatavosimies Kijivas…

Tiekamies ar Jums 11.novembrī – 11.novembra krastmalā!

DRAUGI! TURPINOT TRADĪCIJAS… arī šogad tiekamies ar Jums 11.novembrī - 11.novembra krastmalā! No plkst. 17:00 - 22:00

Kā norisinās “Ziedo korķi” akcija?

Aicinām Latvijas iedzīvotājus vākt plastmasas pudeļu korķīšus un nodot tos Ventspils ielā 50, K-3. ( DERĪGI IR VISI KORĶI KURI…

“Tavi draugi” aicina arī šoruden liet ierakumu sveces Ukrainas armijai

Turpinot 2022. gada rudenī aizsākto ierakumu sveču liešanas akciju Ukrainas armijas atbalstam, biedrība “Tavi draugi” no novembra aicina Latvijas iedzīvotājus…

Ķirbis Taviem svētkiem

DRAUGI! PRIEKS UN LAIME vakar piepildīja mūsu noliktavu! SIA SILIŅI ziedojuši daaaaudz, nu ļooooooooti daudz ķirbjus mūsu & Jūsu priekam!…

Zini vairāk, vari vairāk

Ar prieku ziņojam, ka, pateicoties Rīgas Apkaimju iedzīvotāju centra (AIC) atbalstam, esam uzsākuši projektu atbalsta nodrošināšanai Ukrainas civiliedzīvotāju integrācijai "Zini…